
In collaboration with my classmates Marcela Cortes, Paola Gutierrez and Isabel Valero we were tasked to choose a cult, and rebrand it. We had to create a new visual identity for the cult following the cults core values. The cult we choose was raelism. Raelism is a UFO religion founded in 1974 by Claude Vorilhon, now known as Rael. Raelism teaches that life on Earth was scientifically created by an extraterrestrial species called the Elohim. After studying the cult, we concluded that the core belief of Raelism, was Cosmic Answers. We based our design system in a “cause and effect” like style based on the cause and effect like belief system the cult carries. We achieved this by choosing repeating illustrations and by working with a complementary color palette. We designed the logo to look like a star, but it is also two arrows pressing against each other to further enhance the concept of cause and effect. Finally we designed some mockups for products used by the cult with the new branding and visual style.



